Size varies upon installation
Oil Painting (collaborative work by Stephanie Wiliford),Fabric, Wood, Paneling, Plastic, Steel, Ceramic, Light, Shade, Woodfired Dirt Dauber Nest.
Named after a show proposal, THE HAND, THE HOME, THE HEART is exploring a potential abstract harmony between the industrial and the handmade (and the sentimental)
In many ways, this work is consisting of contradictions. The paneling is treated like a color field with a mat of pink and textured azure green on the edge of the work (And a knob on the opposite side, potentially for another variation of the installation). The implied abstract color field (meant to reference familiar spaces) has a second painting hanging on top of it. The layers are meant to explore the boundaries between art, domesticity and authenticity. While the woodfired dirt dauber nest was not made by my hands, it was built diligently by drones to both reference an early idea of what we considered to be our own home, but was also meant to let the viewer consider how something actually get’s made. In truth, only a portion of the work I made is made by my hands only, and even the clay I make is mined somewhere. There are so many people and so many hands connected to all of these industrial materials. Perhaps to some viewers the makers of commodities are seen as the same as the drones who built their nest that I fired in a kiln. The waste bin is built in the shape of the voting district Trump Tower resides in as both a subtle insult but also to explore how deeply and quietly the sentiments of white nationalism and casual racism can occupy the space of white families.